Human: Lisa Roberson, Decorah, Iowa U.S.A.
Marley was just a few months old when we found him.. he was the cutest little fur ball.. the runt of the litter. The breeder was very upset that the couple that had wanted him backed out as he had been born with some eye problems they (being the breeder) were going to have Marley euthanized. Marleys eyes were not formed correctly and needed surgery.. surgery was all he needed!!! and they were not willing to spend the money to take care of the problem. It only took not even a split second and I knew I needed this sweet little boy! We took him home that day and have never looked back! Our sweet Marley had his eyes worked on and we still struggle with drainage daily, he almost lost his life due to being allergic to the stitches that were used.. this little but might MarleyMan has over come so many things in his 12 years of being our precious boy and the love of my life… he truly is a big dog story!